The first incidence of Ebola outbreak occurred in 1976 in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo. The epidemic was less severe and thus, it was understandable the low response and fewer media coverage of the deadly virus then. However, the recent outbreak in West Africa proved to be more virulent and spreading like a wild fire. Concerns are raised in various quarters but actions seem to fall below the rhetoric coming from concerned institutions. While lives are lost daily to the virus in the affected areas, many countries’ response around the world were panic-driven at best and precautionary at the least. Travel bans were imposed and borders outrightly closed; an action that drew the ire of World Health Organisation (WHO) stating that such actions of border closing and travel bans are counterproductive. This same point was echoed by American president, Barrack Obama that imposing a travel ban could further aggravate the situation and plight of the affected countries. In...