After the downing of the commercial Malaysian airline MH17 over the sky of Eastern Ukraine, the United States and Ukrainian government hurriedly rushed out to blame Russia and the pro-Russian separatists. The Ukranian government released a video purportedly showing the discussion between a pro-Russian commander and a Russian officer over the downing of the plane which they have mistaken for a military aircraft. United states officials, in support of Ukranian video evidence also pointed to the social media account of a supposed separatist leader boasting of just shooting down a plane. however, both these pieces of evidence could not withstand the slightest scrutiny. the incriminating video was soon deleted from the Ukraine's security website but the video had already been downloaded and a critical analysis showed the video were three components pieced together. The date stamps indicated recording was done on July 16; a day before the actual downing of the plane (Ju...