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Malaysian MH17 plane disaster: What United States is not telling us

After the downing of the commercial Malaysian airline MH17 over the sky of Eastern Ukraine, the United States and Ukrainian government hurriedly rushed out to blame Russia and the pro-Russian separatists. The Ukranian government released a video purportedly showing the discussion between a pro-Russian commander and a Russian officer over the downing of the plane which they have mistaken for a military aircraft. 

United states officials, in support of Ukranian video evidence also pointed to the social media account of a supposed separatist leader boasting of just shooting down a plane. however, both these pieces of evidence could not withstand the slightest scrutiny. the incriminating video was soon deleted from the Ukraine's security website but the video had already been downloaded and a critical analysis showed the video were three components pieced together. 

The date stamps indicated recording was done on July 16; a day before the actual downing of the plane (July 17). this revelation simply suggests it was a premeditated job.  Logic will also suggest the Ukrainian forces have everything to gain from this tragic event by turning the tide of war against the separatists. (Syria was a typical example of false flag operation against the Syrian government forces by terrorists supported by the West)

Despite the lack of substantial evidence of Russian or pro-Russian separatists' involvement, U.S officials pressed on blaming Russia by whipping emotional sentiments over the death of innocent civilians and continues to rally its allies to impose tougher sanctions on Russia. The officials claim they have evidence but just not willing to share with the public because of "national security".  

One of United States claims linking the separatists to the ugly incidence was the use of Russian-made BUK missile system allegedly used to shoot down the plane. However, it refused to acknowledge that the Ukrainian forces also have their BUK missiles deployed in that restive Eastern region.

Russia on its part consistently denied it supplied the separatists with missiles. A state of the art media conference was held by its defense force in which all satellite images and radar detections were made public, unlike the Americans who refuse to show their satellite evidence. Russian officials posed ten questions to Ukraine and its western allies which answers are yet to be provided to more than three weeks after the tragic event.

With investigation launched and black box data retrieved, it seems things are not going in line with U.S narratives and its tone on the Russia or pro-Russian separatists' involvement is gradually fading.
This view was echoed recently by Ron Paul, a leading American politician and former Representative (R-Texas). He alleged that the United States knew more than it's telling the world about the downed Malaysian airline and accused the U.S government of likely hiding the truth.

Ron Paul opined that with all the U.S spy satellites deployed over Ukraine, it is simply unbelievable that the government does not have a precise proof of what, how and when the downing took place. 

However, one of the OSCE (Organization for Security and cooperation in Europe) monitors, Micheal Bociurkiw, a Ukrainian-Canadian who first gained access to the crash site explained in an interview with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) that the plane wreckage showed a sign of being hit by "very very strong machine gun". This assertion is somewhat consistent with the Russia's findings that two Ukrainian fighter jets were gaining altitude towards the commercial plane contrary to U.S assertion that the plane was hit by surface to air missile

It seems the investigative panels are dragging their feet on the presentation of their initial findings to the cause of the crash. This could be interpreted that the findings did not tally with the preposterous indictment of Russia by the United States.

As Ron Paul bluntly summarizes his assertion, "Too bad we can’t count on our government to just tell us the truth and show us the evidence". The question every truth seeking individual should be asking is what is America not telling the world about the ill fated Malaysia MH17 flight.



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